Meet Worke Wolde Who Wants to Democratize Ethiopia Through Her Digital Voting System


Meet Worke Wolde a computer science graduate student from Semera University who won the #SolveIt regional competition organized by US Embassy in Ethiopia. Worke built a digital voting system with the integration of biometric security for the purpose of tackling fraud and vote rigging during elections.

Worke, piloted her online voting system during  Semera University’s student council voting. Despite not having her own personal  computer. Worke had to use the university computer in rotation in order to build her product.

In the long run Worke aims to make her solution the best voting system in Africa with the aim of enabling Africa’s democracy to combat corruption and fraud during elections. As part of US Embassy in Ethiopia  initiative Worke will be joining other regional winners from Ethiopia and will be arriving in Addis Ababa this September.

Worke’s innovation comes at the right time when Ethiopia’s Prime Minister indicated his interest to implement digital voting system in the upcoming 2020 election.