The Ministry of Health has signed a project agreement with state and city health bureaus to employ new graduates.
The Minister of Health, Dr. Leah Tadesse, said the project is a significant step forward in the health sector to employ new graduate doctors.
The project will be implemented from the current year and will last for three years. she said, 2898 doctors are planned to be deployed in the first year.
The budget for the project will be financed by the first year with funding from the federal government and partner organizations, and the second and third years with funding from the federal, state, and city administrations and partner development agencies.
After the fourth year, it will be fully implemented by the states, he said.
The Ministry of Health has signed a project with state and city health bureaus to recruit new graduates nationwide.
The project will run for three years starting this year. It is planned to hire 2,898 doctors in the first year.
Funding for this first year will be supplemented by support from federal and development partners.
The Buffett Foundation has provided 175 million birr for the project’s first year.
Professor Senait Fesseha, the Foundation’s Director of International Programs, spoke online at the signing ceremony.
Professor Senait said the support would help the Ministry of Health reduce maternal mortality by 50 percent.
In addition to the large-scale efforts to prevent the epidemic by hiring Ethiopian doctors to address the shortage of professionals and prevent CV-19 from having a major impact on maternal and reproductive health, health facilities; According to Professor Senait, it will be a great help to strengthen other basic reproductive services, including maternal health and family planning.