Ethiopia Announces 300% Salary Increase for Low-Income Government Employees


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Salary Increase for Government Employees: A Response to Economic Challenges

In a recent address, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) outlined significant salary revisions for government employees as part of the Ethiopian government’s broader macroeconomic reforms. This decision comes in response to the economic challenges posed by inflation, particularly affecting low-income workers.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr.) announced that government employees earning as little as 1,500 birr per month would see their salaries increased by 300%, a move described as unprecedented in Ethiopian history. This substantial adjustment aims to alleviate the financial burden on these workers amidst ongoing economic changes.

The announcement came just one week after the Ethiopian government floated its currency, resulting in a 60% depreciation of the birr. This currency adjustment has had a significant impact on the cost of living, particularly for those with lower incomes. To address these challenges, the government has allocated over 90 billion birr for the wage reform.

While the focus has been on increasing wages for lower-income employees, those earning above 25,000 birr have not seen immediate changes. The Prime Minister emphasized the need to support the most affected workers, stating that the government is committed to helping those who face the greatest financial difficulties. This landmark decision highlights the government’s efforts to prioritize social equity and economic support during a period of significant economic adjustment.

Addis Insight
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Addis Insight is Ethiopia’s fastest growing digital news platform, providing consumers with the latest news from Ethiopia and its diaspora. We provide marketers with innovative opportunities to leverage our stories and overall brand with a fiercely curious and highly engaged audience.


  1. Not clear. What about salary ranges from 15000 to 24999?below 25000. They all equally added 300%?

  2. The Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed is known by deceiving behaviour. He lied to his own people every time again and again. His brutal dictatorship is based of deceiving his own population and divide them on Ethnic line. If Ethiopian birr lost its value over 80% just in three days since the announcement of the new policy what other word can you use than devaluation. No need to be a prime minister to figure it out.

  3. Still unfair decision. Because in the current Ethiopian economic crisis everybody is affected. I didn’t understand what this government is s

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