In the renowned Ethiopian town of Lalibela, marked by its UNESCO World Heritage status, the outbreak of intense combat has disrupted the peace once again. The conflict, involving the national military and local militia forces, rekindles the strife that has previously beset the Amhara region. Early morning skirmishes have led to partial control of the town by the militia group Fano, with reports of civilian casualties emerging amidst the chaos.
Residents describe scenes of conflict with small armed groups visibly maneuvering through the town’s main thoroughfares. Despite the ongoing clashes, the Ethiopian National Defence Force maintains its grip on the strategic Lalibela airport. The situation remains tense and fluid, with the federal government and military spokespeople remaining unreachable for comments.
While Lalibela’s ancient churches, a magnet for global tourists and pilgrims, have been spared from the violence, the broader region remains shrouded in uncertainty due to severe media restrictions. This resurgence of violence casts a shadow over Ethiopia’s recent strides toward stability, following a peace agreement that aimed to draw a close to the prolonged conflict in the adjacent Tigray region.