In a challenging global economic environment marked by the ongoing impact of the Russia-Ukraine war and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ethiopia's Awash...
Chef Marcus Samuelsson, an eminent figure in the culinary world, renowned for his unique blend of multicultural influences, is poised to unveil his latest...
Dubai, November 15, 2023 - Ethiopian Airlines Group, the leading carrier of Ethiopia, has enhanced its fleet capabilities by signing a memorandum of understanding...
In a significant move to alleviate its economic challenges, Ethiopia has secured an agreement with its bilateral creditors for a temporary suspension of debt...
Ethiopian oil tycoon Mohammed Al Amoudi, recognized as one of Africa's wealthiest individuals, has witnessed a substantial increase in his fortune. In just a...
In a major step towards humanitarian aid reform, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the resumption of food assistance across Ethiopia...