By Julian McBride
Over the past two years, Ethiopia has been ravaged by ethnic violence and cleansing, near endless war, and a country collapsing on...
By- Henok Abebe (LLB, LLM)
In the current administrative map of Ethiopia, a large junk of territory is categorized as Oromia Regional State and the ...
By Blein Solomon
‘Non Belongingness’, that’s the feeling that follows us whenever we are away from our country. The veracity of it might differ. When...
There is strong evidence that NMA/“ABEN” and EZEMA’s opposition elites are simply satisfied with their current political gains, even though the level of unrest,...
By- Lewoye Bantie
Cryptocurrency (crypto) is defined as a decentralized digital currency intended to be used in buying or selling goods and services. Cryptocurrency is...