The heartbreaking case of seven-year-old Heaven Awot, who was brutally raped and murdered in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, has ignited a firestorm of national and...
By- Rahel Gettu
As a mother and sister, the tragic story of Heaven—a 7-year-old girl whose life was brutally stolen—pierces my heart with unimaginable...
By- Asrat Birhanu @renaissancedam
Recent diplomatic activities, primarily kept from the public eye, reveal Turkey's role in the ongoing dispute between Ethiopia and Egypt...
By Eyob Asfaw
The Sunday night of the date- July 28 was different for Ethiopians living elsewhere within its boundary; especially for the urban elites...
All Self-Proclaimed Pan-Africanists are Yielding to the Will of Western Financial Institutions: My Take on Ethiopia Changing Course to Float Its Currency Against the...